{PART 1}

The Talent Agency Business and Antitrust Price-Fixing:

A Historical Record of the Rise and Fall of TV Packaging


Charles Lenhoff


Scheduled for publication in the

United States

October 21, 2024

Hollywood Hustle {Part1} is a historic Journal detailing how a few Hollywood Talent Agencies transformed to four “UBER AGENCIES” and monopolized the TV Packaging marketplace in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act

The Journal takes us into the seedy underbelly of Hollywood. It exposes, step by step, the rise and fall of TV Packaging – a highly profitable industry that generates over $4 billion a year in Packaging Fees & Profits for Talent Agents. All this easy money is fleeced from the Creators of the TV Series and the Craftspeople who work tirelessly on their shows, thanks to the ruthless handiwork of a secret Cartel of just four powerful Uber Agencies operating behind the scenes

Herein attached are the Exhibits referenced in the historic Journal detailing how a few Hollywood Talent Agencies transformed to four “UBER AGENCIES” and monopolized the TV Packaging marketplace in violation of the Sherman Antitrust Act…